On My Bull****

Actual word vomit lol

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Class reductionists are a frustrating group. The whole idea that race, gender, sexuality, etc are secondary to the Real struggle of ✨Working Class✨ is point blank ignorant but it also erases several classes of people whose relationships with the labor system are not addressed by the needs of ✨The Working Class✨ An obvious one is the disbled. But it also does not include the slave labor of prisoners or people being exploited abroad. They things needed for those groups to experience equality from our system are extremely different than what the US lower middle class needs. But you’d have to talk about…

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The urge to flout all of my other responsibilities and tasks and finish writing this book because these girls make me feel so 😭😭😭😭😭…

Dodgeball WIP update
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So, I always knew this dodgeball wip was going to have a bit of a goofy premise/plot. But I just got to some core, meaningful character moments between these two girls and I’ve never felt so alive!…